Best Time of Day to Tan Outside: Perfect Tan Hours Explained | Tanning Girl (2024)

The way we appear means a lot when it comes to our confidence and success. Pale skin fails to showcase your energy and vibe even if you are extremely enthusiastic.

The glow of the bronze look is always a show stopper, isn’t it?

It is our craze on sun-kissed look which makes us search for grabbing that healthy tan and maintaining the same.

Let it be sunbathing or tanning bed, haven’t you wondered when the best time to tan is? Well, you indeed have clicked on the right article!

Our Tip: Want to get that even bronze skin? Make sure to use a good tanning oil. Hawaiian Tropic dark tanning oil (Amazon) is a very affordable tanning oil with a high rating on Amazon. It’s been used by thousands of people around the world and has great reviews.

Even if you have the best tanning products, saving yourself from harmful UV rays is a necessity. Preventing sunburn should be equally important to you as getting the sun-kissed look.

There exists a safe time to tan and you should follow this timeline to get tanned safely.

Let’s have a walk through the perfect tan time.

Table of Contents

Does Tan Time Really Make a Difference?

‘Time matters, time alone matters’.

No matter what time do influence our life at one point or the other.

The same applies when we consider tanning. Regardless of the method we opt for, the time we choose changes the efficiency and value of the result we get.

There is a difference in the environments as we move along the day. Some time period is most preferable than the other for many reasons.

What we are going to do now is to generate a deep insight into the role of time in tanning. For example, when we consider the sun as the tan source, it won’t generate the UV rays with equal intensity throughout the day.

While this is not the case with tanning beds and booths, still tanning at a specific part of the day give better results!

Best Time of Day to Tan Outside: Perfect Tan Hours Explained | Tanning Girl (1)

Best Time to Tan in the Sun

Sun is the cheapest and effective means of tan, no doubt. It is the popular choice which can guarantee you the caramel hue you long for.

What is the interrelation between sun rays and tanning? Let us burst some myths.

It is commonly said that you can tan anytime given sun is still out there. But this doesn’t mean that a cloudy or snowy day can’t give you a tan.

You need to understand that it is not the sun’s visible light but the UV rays that generate color in your due to the production of melanin.

The intensity of UV rays varies depending on time. The tan it creates is a kind of skin’s protective measure from further damage from UV rays exposure. So sunbathing can give you a tan, a burn or an extreme case (due to overexposure) skin cancer!

So the time of tanning do, matter, right?

Understand the UV Intensity

The strength of UV rays from morning sun is different from that during the afternoon. The UV intensity is the highest during the midday period, roughly from 10 am to 4 pm. This is the hottest time indeed.

People with little knowledge and hurry for bronze shine, carelessly opt for these peak hours and end up with a burn or worse. We, Tanning Girl, have seen many leading tanning websites misleading people with incorrectly saying 10 am to 4 pm is the best time to tan. Tell you what, it is completely nonsense unless you want to get sunburnt in an attempt to get tan.

It is always better to build your tan gradually. This will intensify the shade in long run and you can bask without burning yourself.

The strength of solar rays depends on the seasons. The colder months witness mild rays while from May to August, the sun is so close to us emits intense rays and chances of sunburn is high.

The other factors that influence the strength of solar rays are the altitude and latitude. As your altitude increases, less is the light scattering and more its intensity. And as you get closer to the equator, the sun rays become stronger.

Considering all these factors and your health condition, you can decide over the time of tanning.

Best Time of Day to Tan Outside: Perfect Tan Hours Explained | Tanning Girl (2)

The Best and Safe Time to Tan Outside

Now you are about to find what is the best time to tan in the sun. If you have very fair and have sensitive skin, it is always recommended to choose a time when sun rays are mild.

For multiple reasons, the most preferable tanning hours are before 10 am and after 4 pm. During this time the sun rays are not falling on us directly and thus the possibility to end up with reddish skin is very less.

You don’t need to be so technical when it comes for analyzing the UV intensity. You can use the ‘shadow method’ to choose the time. If you find your shadow taller than you, then the UV rays will be less intense and you can tan at that time. It is good to consider a slow pace for better results.

If you aren’t comfortable with this timing and are only free while peak hours, then tan under a shade. I’m not joking; even indirect rays can give you the desired result. Always look for a healthy and not quick tan!

You can tan even if the day is cloudy except it is raining. As long as the sun is out there you can tan, provided you are well aware of the dos and don’ts.

Some tips for the healthy tan:

  • Prepare your skin by a gentle scrub and shower a day before and keep it hydrated. Include beta-carotene in your diet (carrots, green veggies, sweet potato, etc) for a better tan.
  • Always use SPF and sunglasses. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends sunscreens to protect yourself from sunburns and cancer. Sunscreen is a must when you are sunbathing. Use your favorite one with an SPF above 15.
  • If you are looking for a base tan, try to make use of some of the best tanning oils in the market.
  • Change your position at regular intervals for even coverage.
  • Drink lots and lots of water. In case you find any symptoms of tiredness, move to the shade.
  • Keep the sessions short. 10 to 20 minutes will do. You won’t develop a tan after just one session. You need to be regular and patient.
  • Shower and moisturize your skin after each session.

Is Today a Good Day to Tan?

If you are prepared well for a tanning session, then every day is a good day to tan!Best Time of Day to Tan Outside: Perfect Tan Hours Explained | Tanning Girl (3)

No, I’m not joking. Although tan time has a great role to play when it comes to the extent and effectiveness of tanning, you can tan any day. If the outside doesn’t permit, you can try fake tan or tanning bed options.

By far you might have developed some ideas on what all to consider in making a regular day to your tanning day.

The important thing is that the day must be comfortable.

It must not be a very hot day because you won’t be able to be out under the sun for a long time. So a suitable day is one with mild temperature, fewer clouds, and bearable UV index.

Having said that, as discussed above, your results will vary according to the season, altitude and latitude along with the time you choose.

I’m listing out some aspects which you can consider before choosing to tan today.

  • Check the calendar. Seasons do impact the tan. Reduce the session if it is during the hot months (May to August). If it is autumn days, they just find the perfect spot free from obstacles and go ahead with tanning.
  • Check the UV index. You are planning for a golden glow, not a reddish pain. So don’t hurry and stay away from peak hours when the UV index is high. Do wear sunscreen even if it is low UV index. Keep your health first.
  • Check the weather forecast. Even if the day is overcast you can still tan, but must reduce the session since the ray intensity is high and you don’t feel it. The rays will pass through the clouds and are sufficient for developing a tan.
  • More than all, are you well prepared in prior? If you prepped your skin and are not taking any photosensitive medicines, just hit the ground.
  • Tanning bed has nothing to do with days given you are prepared for a session. It is a good alternative if the season is not favoring tanning. Any day is a tanning day for tanning beds.

Best Time of Day to Tan Outside: Perfect Tan Hours Explained | Tanning Girl (4)

Best Tanning Hours for Tanning Beds

As mentioned above any time is tanning time when the method we adopt is artificial.

You can go for any timing when you consider tanning bed; tanning booths etc. you don’t need to worry about the weather or season, peak hours or UV index.

However, if you are looking for the fantastic eye-catching golden glow you must be a bit time concerned.

It is beneficial to have the session during the morning hours. Because after the session you tend to spend more time under the sun and your bronze look will intensify further and you will develop a better base tan.

The morning session is the best hours to tan in a tanning bed as you can run the day smoothly. It will become a part of your morning routine and once you are done with the procedure, you don’t need to delay any kinds of stuff or cancel assignments for tanning!

You can also prefer to tan after doing tour exercises. As your pores open up after your exercises, you can grab a perfect intense color once the UV rays hit you. This is a bonus as you need not to consider more sessions if your tan reached the desired hue.

All you need to keep in mind is that tanning beds generated high-intensity radiation compared to that from the sun. It might take 60 minutes under the sun to get the same look made in less than 10 minutes in a tanning bed. And you must be extra careful with it.

Once you build the base tan via sunbathing progress to the tanning bed if needed. You need to follow the instructions and use some of the best indoor tanning lotions.

Along with the time you choose to tan, the time you spend tanning also matters. It usually takes only half the time needed under the sun.

The more you know is better: Concluding remarks

A hint of color is always preferred to the pale dull look. You won’t disagree if I state that the golden glow is never out of fashion. Tanning is the most comfortable and healthy routine if you want to shine with natural bronze skin.

Whether artificial or natural the method you opt for, the result must obviously be natural and picture perfect. All we are looking for an even tan without any annoying patches or pressure points.

I’m very pleased to throw some light on the importance of the time of tanning. The best time to get a tan must be healthy as well as affordable. If you choose a time away from your busy schedule, I’m sure that you will get a relaxation session indeed.

So always consider your health and stay away from sunburns by choosing a time before 10 am and 4 pm. If no choice, go ahead with the midday hours but reduce the duration.

Always wear sunscreen and have safe tanning. Build it up slowly and never overdo anything.

I would like to wrap up by answering some frequently asked questions:

  • Can I tan after 5 pm?

Yes, you can. After 5 pm is a safe timing for gradually building up your base tan. You can choose this time to build tan without the fear of a burn.

  • Can I tan after recovering from skin cancer?

It is not recommended to do so. Health first, so consult your doctor before choosing to tan. You can still grab the tint using tan sprays, once your doctor agrees.

  • Is sunscreen needed during winter days?

Absolutely yes! The season might be cold but the UV rays are still out there. Snow will reflect the rays and increase the intensity. Sunscreen is highly recommended for the health of your skin regardless of the season and whether you are outdoors or not.

  • Will exfoliation remove my tan?

Exfoliation before tanning is needed for the perfect tan. After tan exfoliation won’t remove the tan, given you are gentle with your skin. Scrubbing your dead skin off is recommended for smooth and glossy skin.

  • Can I get a tan through the windows?

More than a tan you can get a burn through the window if overexposed. Window glass blocks UVB rays but passes UVA rays. So the results vary. Thus it is not a good method of tanning purposefully.

  • How much time do I need to ideally spend on tanning?

It depends on the method and your skin type. Sunbathing for 20 minutes and tanning beds for 10 minutes are ideal.

  • Is tanning beds safer than sunbathing?

Not actually. Anything artificial comes with a cost. Tanning beds generate high-intensity waves compared to the sun and are not ideal or everyone. Once you are more educated on it, you can get a better outcome!

Wrapping Up

There are many doubts and myths in the world of tanning. If you are a beginner, I can simply guess that you are in a dilemma regarding various aspects of tanning, its maintenance and so on.

There are various ways of creating a tan, both natural and artificial. You are free to choose from the sun to spray. However, along with the type of tanning, many are concerned about the time of tanning.

I hope you might have found out the best time to get a tan by now.

So prepare well and choose the best time of day to tan to get that gorgeous confidence boosting tan.

Best Time of Day to Tan Outside: Perfect Tan Hours Explained | Tanning Girl (2024)


Best Time of Day to Tan Outside: Perfect Tan Hours Explained | Tanning Girl? ›

Ultimately, there is no 100% safe way to tan. However, if you're going to tan and your goal is to tan quickly, the best time is between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Always wear a product with SPF, drink lots of water, and roll over frequently to avoid getting burnt.

What is the best time of day to go tanning outside? ›

If you want to tan in the least harmful way, we recommend you to get in the sun for 20 minutes every 3 hours. Use the morning sun before 10 o'clock, and afternoon sun, after 4 o'clock. This way you will get a perfect and healthy tan!

How many hours in the sun for a good tan? ›

Most people will tan within 1 to 2 hours in the sun. It's important to remember that both burns and tans may take a while to set in, so if you don't see color immediately, it doesn't mean you're not getting any color or should use lower SPF. Any type of tanning has risks, including skin cancer.

Is 30 minutes outside enough to tan? ›

Is 30 minutes a day enough to tan? It depends on your skin type. Those with fair skin likely need a bit longer, while people with darker skin may only require 15-20 minutes daily. Start slow and gently build UV skin tolerance over multiple sessions for the best color development.

What is the hottest time of day to tan? ›

UV radiation is generally highest between 10 AM and 3 PM, during the summer, on a cloudless day. Some countries broadcast a UV index for each day on the weather report. However, this does not mean that a scorching hot sunny day is the best day to get a tan.

What is the best tanning schedule? ›

A Tanning Schedule
  • Start slowly and gradually increase your exposure over time. Some tanning facilities start all new customers off with 5-minute tanning sessions and gradually increase to 12-minute (or longer) sessions. ...
  • Wait at least 48 hours between tanning sessions to avoid skin damage. ...
  • Avoid overexposure.
Nov 15, 2023

What not to do after tanning outside? ›

Avoid hot showers, which can strip the skin of its natural oils, and refrain from activities that cause excessive sweating immediately after tanning.

How to get the perfect tan? ›

Here are 7 fantastic tanning tips to achieve a long-lasting and darker tan:
  1. Exfoliate before tanning. Gently scrub your skin using an exfoliator. ...
  2. Use moisturizing products. ...
  3. Stay hydrated. ...
  4. Remove makeup before tanning. ...
  5. Wear an SPF 30 sunscreen or higher. ...
  6. Avoid contact with hot water. ...
  7. Eat nutritious foods.
May 12, 2023

How long does it take to get a noticeable tan? ›

Sunlight intensity aka UV index, your altitude, whether you're near water or snow, Your skin type, and how long you're spending outside. Your skin can start tanning immediately after exposure to UV light however if you're after a deeper and darker tan – that's likely going to take 2-3 days to get noticeable.

How to tan quicker? ›

Here's what you can do to tan faster, while still staying safe in the sun.
  1. Avoid sunbeds. At all costs, this isn't a drill! ...
  2. Take care of your skin. If you take care of your skin, it'll take care of you. ...
  3. Exfoliate the night before. ...
  4. Moisturise. ...
  5. The right sun cream. ...
  6. The right diet. ...
  7. Don't overexpose.

Why won't my legs tan? ›

The skin on most areas of your legs is thicker and harder than the rest of your body and ultraviolet (UV) rays can't easily penetrate it. The skin here is also dryer, resulting in quicker exfoliation of the outer layers. On top of that, dry skin deflects UV light, making the whole tanning process less effective.

How to remove tan from face immediately? ›

Add few drops of fresh lemon juice in coffee powder and make a paste. Apply it on the affected area and let it stay for 10 minutes before rinsing with cold water. Alternatively, make a thick consistency paste off coffee powder with milk and apply on the affected area. Rinse with lukewarm water after 10 minutes.

What is the healthiest time to tan? ›

Ultimately, there is no 100% safe way to tan. However, if you're going to tan and your goal is to tan quickly, the best time is between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Always wear a product with SPF, drink lots of water, and roll over frequently to avoid getting burnt.

Do you have to face the sun to tan? ›

Yes, tanning in the shade is possible. The sun reflects off objects in the environment and on to skin. Certain environmental factors, such as bright snow or pale beach sand, can reflect the sun's rays to your skin, even while sitting in the shade.

Can you still tan after 5pm? ›

The best time to sunbathe is Between 7am, and 10 am, or from 5 pm to 7 pm to reduce the risk of skin cancer. You can still get a tan while sitting in the shade at the beach. This is because the sand reflects sunlight onto your skin gradually. However, the intensity of the sunlight is less.

Can you still get a tan at 4pm? ›

The sun is typically strongest from 11am to 4pm.

Meaning that if you want a quick tan, that's usually the best timeframe to go out. Unfortunately, that's also when the sun's UV rays are at their most intense. So, if you have photosensitive skin, try sunbathing in the morning or later in the afternoon.

What are the best conditions for tanning? ›

Aim for sun exposure during non-peak hours (before 10 a.m. and after 4 p.m.) and limit your tanning sessions to avoid overexposure. By tanning during non-peak hours, you can reduce the risk of sunburn and accumulated sun damage, as the sun's rays are strongest during peak hours.

Should I shower before or after tanning outside? ›

Taking a shower after sunbathing is beneficial for skin health. This notably helps to rid the epidermis of any sun care products that may have mixed with sweat and sebum on its surface. It's important to remove all these impurities, as they could be responsible forclogging the skin's pores.

What is the best time to get vitamin D from the sun? ›

To get an optimal vitamin D supplement from the sun at a minimal risk of getting cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM), the best time of sun exposure is noon.

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