Is Matcha Green Tea an Adaptogen? 5 Reasons to Drink Adaptogenic Matcha Tea (2024)

Looking for ways to relieve stress naturally? You are not alone!Nearly half of all American adults have reported an uptick in their stress levels since the COVID 19 pandemic.One growing trend in natural stress relief tactics is consuming adaptogens –natural substances which help the body acclimate to stress and restore balance in the body.

Keep reading to find out exactly what adaptogens are, why drinking Matcha green tea regularly may help you better adapt to stress due to itsadaptogenic properties, and what you should consider before adding adaptogens to your daily wellness ritual.

Is Matcha Green Tea an Adaptogen? 5 Reasons to Drink Adaptogenic Matcha Tea (1)

What is adaptogenic tea good for?

Related Product: Matcha Latte Mix w/ Adaptogens

Research has shown that adaptogens support consistency because they can ‘flex’ with the highs and lows behind a complete health approach. On the other hand, it’s known that prescription drugs (any isolated compound, most originating from plants) typically work through specific pathways.

Often that means risks of severe side effects, pushing too much in one direction while not considering the whole. This is one consequence of separating individual constituents from their natural complexes.

Adaptogens here relay the importance of ‘the whole’ rather than an extract, colloquially called an ‘entourage’ (see entourage effect), as each molecule performs in-tandem towards homeostasis:

  • An example is the coca leaf, which when chewed may alleviate either constipation or diarrhea, a paradox according to conventional pharmacology because of the non-specific action [1].

Adaptogenic Teas: Adaptogen Teas, and Adaptogenic Tea Benefits

Not to oversimplify things, but research suggests that adaptogens work in accordance with what your body needs at a given moment. By one view, they either stimulate, or calm, while reaching for ‘middle ground.’

This definition underscores the resilience building of adaptogens. Other examples of herbal-allies include ashwagandha, turmeric, reishi and other medicinal mushrooms, as well as the range of Japanese loose-leaf green teas and matcha powdergreen tea.

Adaptogenic Benefits of Matcha Green Tea

From Camellia sinensis (tea-plant) comes the adaptogenic varieties of tea, including black, pu-erh, oolong, houjicha, and matcha green tea. These are true adaptogens, befitted by extensive research on their composition and regulatory actions in full body health.

  • Premium qualities of tea broadly support balanced inflammatory and endocrinologic factors, healthy weight, and the maintenance of cognitive, heart health to name a few [2-5].

Is Matcha Green Tea an Adaptogen? 5 Reasons to Drink Adaptogenic Matcha Tea (2)

Is Matcha Tea an Adaptogen? Key things to know

As a prime example, the benefits of high quality tea (like matcha) are deeply interconnected, a common thread for true adaptogens.

One example is the anti-inflammatory action of green tea, which may rest both on the antioxidant effects as well as indirectly by balancing metabolism.

  • Research suggests that green tea may support a healthy glucose response, where an otherwise uncontrolled insulin spike may create a cascade of inflammation [5].
  • And more loosely, matcha is an adaptable daily energizer, unlike coffee or other energy drinks which may spike cortisol, inflammation [7].


As for matcha’s antioxidant benefits, it’s known that oxidative stress is associated with inflammation, where free radicals cause cellular damage.

Here matcha tea is a source of adaptogenic compounds, including exogenous (from outside the body) antioxidants.

  • Consuming premium green tea powder gives your body more antioxidants to supportcells and fight inflammation.
  • Matcha also meets the definition of an adaptogen by supplementing the body with the nutrients to create more of your own (endogenous) antioxidants [6].

Together, green tea may help fight free radicals and clear the body of toxins more effectively than without. Perhaps more impressive, those same potent antioxidants are associated with other health, cognitive adaptogenic benefits.


Antioxidants found in matcha include polyphenols and special flavonoids, such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). According to a recent study, the role of these compounds in the brain is under rigorous evaluation, where not only might theysupport the bodyfrom inflammation leading to cognitive decline, they may also encourage production of brain boosting compounds.

The ‘how’ here is two-fold. First of all, Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), reported to elevate in the presence of matcha’s antioxidants and neuroactive amino-acids (i.e. L-theanine) [2].

  • This brain factor is an important measure of cognitive health, associated withsupportive effects and neurogenesis, in which compounds in tea may positively influence.

Improved Brain Connectivity from Japanese loose-leaf Green Teas & Matcha

One of the most exciting findings of recent years is how the adaptogenic brain boost from green tea occurs. It's reported that the daily enjoyment of Japanese green teas (e.g. Gyokuro, matcha powder, tencha leaves) may boost structural and functional markers of brain health.

  • See here for the full report of nootropic adaptogenic benefits of matcha powder

    Nootropic Adaptogen Benefits of Matcha Tea: Green Tea for Energy

    And secondly, when those adaptogenic polyphenols are consumed, they enter the gut and begin to benefit the brain via the gut-brain axis. As documented in a study, teasupportshealthy gut bacteria while discouraging the less friendly strains, a critical finding because of the microbiome’s role in brain health.

    • Green tea polyphenols may make for a healthier microbiome to encourage balanced levels of brain-active compounds (like lactate), in turn elevating cognitive factors like BDNF.
    • Those polyphenols are adaptogenic because they may work both directly on the brain, and indirectly through the gut to influence cognitive, emotional health.


    Adaptogenic compounds in tea may allow your muscles to burn energy more efficiently during exercise, helping the body adapt to available energy sources, whether glucose or fat (ketogenic).

    In fact, those same polyphenols with probiotic and antioxidant properties encourage activation of AMPK, a cellular pathway which contributes flexibility to metabolism [5].

    • Basically this means matcha and other types of tea may bring balance to how your body metabolizes and uses energy, a key indicator in metabolic health, and at least one predictor in diabetes and obesity [5].
    • This adaptogenic functionality suggests tea to be synergetic with various diet types (e.g. Keto), and is one explanation thought to mediate regular insulin sensitivity [5].

    As an added bonus, the damage from acute free radicals, released during exercise in healthy individuals, may be decreased by drinking green tea. In line with research, it has been observed that this could allow reduced recovery times, greater net benefit from exercising [8].

    The Bottom Line: Yes! Matcha is an adaptogen

    Although conventional medicine has reservations, there’s plenty of medically-supported mechanisms how certain adaptogens may impart overall balance in health, in some cases (arguably) with greater safety than common prescriptions.

    That said, the science behind each purported ‘adaptogen’ varies, and investigation should be carried out by the individual (and their physician) in the case of each curiosity.

    At least in the case of matcha as well as other tea products, there is a long history of time-vetted possibilities for health, and now research is starting to support many long-held claims for wellness through tea.

    Certainly, not every so-called ‘adaptogen’ walks the talk, but matcha is definitely one of the few standout examples with both the history, and the growing research.

    • As a daily choice, it’s dynamic for its wide array of essential nutrients, optimizing antioxidants, and brain-boosting amino-acids.

    You might let your experience speak for itself, but if Zen monks have referred to it as a “calming energizer” for nearly a millennium,perhaps really after all, matcha might be the OG adaptogen your wellness seeks.

    Adaptogenic Matcha Blend Recommendations

    Here at, we carry the highest-quality matcha that are naturally adaptogenic. We’ve also created innovative instant adaptogenic matcha blends that are sure to boost your energy and performance. See which one is perfect for you:

    • Organic Adaptogenic Instant Matcha Latte Mix
    • MATCHA-AID™ Adaptogenic Electrolyte Blend
    • Original Ceremonial Grade Matcha
    • Japanese Ceremonial Organic Matcha

    -Team Matcha Kari

    You may also like:

    • What is matcha?
    • 33 health benefits of matcha
    • How to make a matcha latte
    • 5 natural caffeine sources ranked high to low
    • Learn about matcha vs. other types of green tea powders
    • The 6 best matcha starter kits and sets
    • Japanese vs. Chinese matcha green tea powder


      Disclaimer: These statements in this blog post have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information provided here is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. It's essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any dietary or lifestyle changes.

      * * *

      [1] Biondich, A. S., & Joslin, J. D. (2016). Coca: the history and medical significance of an ancient Andean tradition. Emergency medicine international, 2016.
      [2] Camfield, D. A., Stough, C., Farrimond, J., & Scholey, A. B. (2014). Acute effects of tea constituents L-theanine, caffeine, and epigallocatechin gallate on cognitive function and mood: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrition reviews, 72(8), 507-522.
      [3] Gianfredi, V., Nucci, D., Abalsamo, A., Acito, M., Villarini, M., Moretti, M., & Realdon, S. (2018). Green tea consumption and risk of breast cancer and recurrence—A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Nutrients, 10(12), 1886.
      [4] Khalesi, S., Sun, J., Buys, N., Jamshidi, A., Nikbakht-Nasrabadi, E., & Khosravi-Boroujeni, H. (2014). Green tea catechins and blood pressure: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. European journal of nutrition, 53(6), 1299-1311.
      [5] Lin, Y., Shi, D., Su, B., Wei, J., Găman, M. A., Sedanur Macit, M., ... & Guimaraes, N. S. (2020). The effect of green tea supplementation on obesity: A systematic review and dose–response meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials. Phytotherapy Research
      [6] Basu, A., Betts, N. M., Mulugeta, A., Tong, C., Newman, E., & Lyons, T. J. (2013). Green tea supplementation increases glutathione and plasma antioxidant capacity in adults with the metabolic syndrome. Nutrition Research, 33(3), 180-187.
      [7] Gavrieli, A., Yannakoulia, M., Fragopoulou, E., Margaritopoulos, D., Chamberland, J. P., Kaisari, P., ... & Mantzoros, C. S. (2011). Caffeinated coffee does not acutely affect energy intake, appetite, or inflammation but prevents serum cortisol concentrations from falling in healthy men. The Journal of nutrition, 141(4), 703-707.
      [8] Sugita, M., Kapoor, M. P., Nishimura, A., & Okubo, T. (2016). Influence of green tea catechins on oxidative stress metabolites at rest and during exercise in healthy humans. Nutrition, 32(3), 321-331.

      Is Matcha Green Tea an Adaptogen? 5 Reasons to Drink Adaptogenic Matcha Tea (2024)


      Is matcha green tea an adaptogen? ›

      From Camellia sinensis (tea-plant) comes the adaptogenic varieties of tea, including black, pu-erh, oolong, houjicha, and matcha green tea. These are true adaptogens, befitted by extensive research on their composition and regulatory actions in full body health.

      What happens to your body when you drink matcha everyday? ›

      Matcha contains the nutrients from the entire tea leaf and contains more caffeine and antioxidants than are typically present in green tea. Studies of matcha and its components have unearthed a variety of benefits, showing that it can help protect the liver, promote heart health, and even aid in weight loss.

      What is the disadvantage of drinking matcha everyday? ›

      What are the downsides to matcha? There's a myriad of health and wellness benefits to matcha but ultimately, as a tea it is still a caffeinated beverage and naturally, overconsumption can affect moods, heart health and concentration – similar to that of coffee overdose.

      Who should not drink Matcha green tea? ›

      If you are prone to arrhythmias or if you have heart disease, then matcha could be harmful for you,” she said. People who are sensitive to caffeine may also want to pass on matcha because it could cause anxiety and disrupt sleep.

      Does matcha heal your gut? ›

      According to an April 18 AARP article, matcha has been linked to improved cognitive health in older women, healthy changes to the gut microbiome, and lower stress, and was found to prevent atherosclerosis in an animal study.

      What is the best time to drink matcha tea? ›

      Matcha is an excellent way to increase your energy and concentration without the side effects often associated with coffee. The morning or early afternoon is the best time to enjoy this rich, delicious beverage. With its longer half-life compared to coffee, matcha provides a sustained energy boost throughout the day.

      Does matcha tea burn belly fat? ›

      The tea naturally increases your body's total calories burned by boosting your metabolic rate. It also increases the heat produced by the body during physical activity. This sends a signal to the body to burn off more calories and get rid of fat stores in different areas, such as the belly.

      Is matcha anti-inflammatory? ›

      The Japanese powdered green tea, matcha, contains high amounts of substances with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. It has promising potential health benefits, mainly through a high concentration of catechins. With regular consumption, it may support the body's efforts to maintain health and prevent disease.

      Is Starbucks matcha good for you? ›

      Because of the added sugar and cheap green tea powder used, drinking a matcha latte from Starbucks or Dunkin' is not the healthiest way to consume matcha - making yourself your favorite matcha drink at home is!

      Is matcha tea good for the kidneys? ›

      These results suggest that Matcha protects against hepatic and renal damage through the suppression of renal AGE accumulation, by decreases in hepatic glucose, triglyceride, and total cholesterol levels, and by its antioxidant activities.

      Does matcha interact with any medications? ›

      Stimulating medications: Matcha may contain stimulating substances, such as caffeine. 4 Matcha may have additive effects and worsen side effects of other stimulating medications, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) prescriptions—like Ritalin (methylphenidate).

      How long does it take for matcha green tea to work? ›

      Dosage: Consume 1 teaspoon in tea and you'll feel the effects within 30 minutes, which last for a few hours.

      Which is better green tea or matcha tea? ›

      4. Antioxidant content. While both green tea and matcha are extremely high in antioxidants, matcha contains more antioxidants than green tea for the same reason that it contains more caffeine. Because matcha is a much more concentrated form of green tea, the antioxidant levels are correspondingly higher.

      Why is matcha so expensive? ›

      Today, the main production site for high quality matcha powder is Japan. The fertile soil, mild climate, and the slight elevation of the locations all contribute to quality matcha production. Already, it is clear why costs might be high if the overall available land mass for growing and preparing matcha is limited.

      What does matcha do to hormones? ›

      Matcha contains polyphenols, antioxidants that may help reduce inflammation throughout the body and keep our organs healthy. This means it could also play an essential role in regulating hormones during menopause or other hormonal changes.

      Is matcha green tea inflammatory? ›

      The Japanese powdered green tea, matcha, contains high amounts of substances with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. It has promising potential health benefits, mainly through a high concentration of catechins. With regular consumption, it may support the body's efforts to maintain health and prevent disease.

      Is matcha better than green tea for L-theanine? ›

      In addition to being a great source of antioxidants, green tea contains a unique amino acid called L-theanine. In fact, matcha boasts much higher levels of L-theanine than other types of green tea. L-theanine may increase alpha waves in your brain.

      Does matcha spike cortisol? ›

      The caffeine in Matcha is assimilated and absorbed very slowly (over 6 hours) giving you a long and sustained energy boost rather than a 60-minute spike. Unlike coffee, there is also no blood sugar spike, insulin increase, or release of the stress hormone Cortisol, meaning it helps you to stay calm and focussed.

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      Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.