Safety Resources - Campus Safety (2024)

Huskies watch out for each other. Use these safety resources and tips to help enhance your safety and the safety of our campus community.

Safety Resources - Campus Safety (1)

Emergency Numbers

  • Police/Fire/Medical: 911
  • All blue emergency call towers and parking garage “Help” buttons dial 911.
  • Washington Poison Control: (800) 222-1222

Non-Emergency Numbers

  • Campus Safety Office: 425.352.5359
  • Facilities Services: 425.352.5466
  • Emergency Preparedness: 425.352.3763
  • Bothell Police Non-Emergency: 425.486.1254

Safety Tips & Guidance

Although active threats are rare, it’s important to take time to prepare for a situation in which your safety could depend on your ability to react quickly.

An active threat is any situation that poses an immediate danger to the safety of University of Washington Bothell and Cascadia College students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Active threat situations are jarring and unpredictable. Each situation will be different, and you must act quickly to protect yourself.

Have a Plan

  • Sign up for UW Alert text messages. This will be a primary method of communication during an emergency.
  • Become familiar with all your exits out of all the buildings you visit, have class, work, and live.
  • If you see behavior that is an immediate safety concern, call 911.
  • If you or others experience concerning behaviors, call SafeCampus, no matter where you work or study, at 206.685.7233. All calls are private. You can remain anonymous.

Respond by Evaluating Your Options

Safety Resources - Campus Safety (2)
  • RUN: Escape if you can. Your first priority should always be to avoid a threat. If you do run take a route that minimizes the chance of encountering the threat and move quickly.
  • HIDE: Running away may not be your best option. Find a place to hide out of view, lock and block/barricade doors if possible, close blinds, turn of lights, and silence cell phones.
  • FIGHT: If you can’t run or hide, fight as a last resort to disrupt or stop the attacker. Be aggressive and commit to your actions. Use objects around you as makeshift weapons such as chairs, fire extinguishers, scissors, laptops, books, etc.

Be Safe After

  • Expect law enforcement to arrive on campus. Their goal is to locate the threat and end the violence. Remain calm and follow law enforcement instructions.
  • Keep hands visible and empty.
  • If you witnessed the incident and left the area, call 911 to provide a description of the attacker(s), location, and weapon(s).

Active Threat Training

  • UWB Campus Safety | Emergency Preparedness offers active threat awareness training for students, faculty, and staff, in addition to workplace security/situational assessments. Please call the Emergency Preparedness Manager to schedule: 425.352.3763
  • Active Shooter Awareness Video from Boston College that focuses on a college environment.
  • FEMA Training – Active Shooter: What You Can Do. This free online course provides guidance so you can prepare to an active shooter situation

If you see a suspicious package/object or are alerted to a bomb threat on campus:

  • If you receive a telephone call attempt to get as much information as possible about the caller (male or female, accent, background noises, etc.). Use the Bomb Threat Checklist. Call 911 immediately and report it to the Bothell Police Department.
  • If you receive a threat by email or letter, call 911 immediately and report it to the Bothell Police Department.
  • If you find a device do not touch it in any way. Call Campus Safety at 425.325.5359 immediately. Notify your supervisor and the building coordinator and be prepared to evacuate.
  • Letters or packages may be considered suspicious if there is no return address, there is odd or badly hand-written and typed markings, misspelled words, weird stains/colors/odors, sealed with an excessive amount of tape, the package is lopsided or uneven, or is an odd weight for its size.
  • Never open a suspicious letter or package. Isolate it immediately, evacuate the area, and call 911 from a safe location.
  • If a suspicious letter or package has already been opened, and a powder or other substance has spilled from it, DO NOT CLEAN IT UP. Leave it where it is, evacuate the area, wash your hands with soap and water, and call 911 immediately.

Whether you live and/or work on campus there are several simple things you can do to avoid being a crime victim.

  • Keep your belongings with you at all times, even when you intend to come right back. This includes backpacks, purses, laptops, tablets and phones. It’s far too easy for someone to grab these items and run.
  • Keep your doors and windows locked whenever you leave your space and at the end of the day. Lock your vehicle every time you leave it and never leave your windows rolled down. Don’t leave valuables in view.
  • Avoid walking along at night. Stay in well-lit areas and use routes that are more heavily traveled. Campus Safety provides free escorts if you don’t want to walk alone – call 425.352.5359.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and stay alert. Avoid walking with headphones on and looking down at your phone.
  • Become familiar with the locations of the Blue Emergency telephones on campus and the yellow emergency call boxes in the parking garages. Elevators also have emergency phones. The Campus Safety office located at LB2-005 is open 24/7.
  • Be suspicious. Don’t open a building or lab for a stranger who doesn’t have a key. Report any suspicious behavior to Campus Safety as soon as possible.
  • Follow your gut instincts. If your intention tells you that you are at risk, leave the situation quickly. If you see someone suspicious in a parking lot, building or anywhere on campus leave the area and call 911.
  • Should you become a victim of crime, call the police and/or Campus Safety as soon as you safely can.
  • Additional Crime Prevention Tips from UW Police.

If you notice fire, smoke, or any evidence of fire:

  • Activate the nearest fire pull station and alert others to exit the building.
  • Call 911 and provide details about the location of the fire and how it started.
  • If it is a small fire (no larger than a 5-gallon waste basket, and you have called for help, you can attempt to put it out. Always put yourself between the fire and an exit so you can escape if needed.
  • If the fire is too large or you are uncomfortable or unfamiliar with the proper use of a fire extinguisher, simply close the door and evacuate.
  • When the building alarm sounds evacuate through the closest exit and go to the building’s Evacuation Assembly Point (EAP). Do not re-enter the building until the “All-Clear” message has been communicated by the Building Coordinator and/or Campus Safety.
  • If you do not have a safe exit put a towel or other material under the door to prevent smoke from entering the room. Dial 911 to alert emergency responders to your location and that you need assistance evacuating. If you are unable to call 911 hand something on or out the window to let emergency responders know where you are.

Identity theft is a serious crime. It occurs when your personal information is stolen and used without your knowledge to commit fraud or other crimes. Identity theft can cost you time and money. It can destroy your credit and ruin your good name.

  • Shred financial documents and paperwork with your personal information before you discard them.
  • Protect your Social Security number. Give it out only if absolutely necessary or ask to use another identifier.
  • Don’t give out person information on the phone, through the mail, or over the internet unless you know who you are dealing with.
  • Never click on links sent in unsolicited emails; instead, type in a web address you know. Use firewalls, anti-spyware and anti-virus software to protect your computer; keep them up-to-date.
  • “Opt-Out” of receiving pre-screened credit card offers by calling 1-888-567-8688.
  • Remove your name from telephone solicitation lists via National-Do-Not-Call Registry: 1-888-382-1222
  • Keep a list of all your account numbers and the telephone numbers in case of loss/theft.
  • Close any accounts that have been tampered with or established fraudulently.
  • Call police and file a report. Get a copy for your records and to submit as proof to all creditors.
  • Frequently change passwords and PINS.
  • Additional Identify Theft Tips from UW Police.

Naloxone (brand name Narcan) is a medication designed to reverse an opioid overdose. Opioids slow down the activity of the central nervous system, which can dangerously slow or stop breathing possibly leading to death. Naloxone displaces the opioids from the opioid receptors in the brain which allows the person who is experiencing an opioid overdose to begin breathing normally.

Naloxone/Narcan won’t harm a person if they’re overdosing on drugs other than opioids, so it’s always best to use it if you think someone is overdosing. Naloxone is not effective for alcohol poisoning. More than one dose of Naloxone may be required when stronger opioids like fentanyl are involved.

Narcan is available for free to campus community members in the following locations:

If someone on campus is suspected of experiencing an overdose call 9-1-1 to initiate a response from a local emergency first responder.

  • Campus Safety staff are trained to administer Naloxone and can be reached at 425.352.5359.
  • If you give someone Narcan, call 9-1-1 and stay with them until emergency help arrives.
Safety Resources - Campus Safety (3)

Information from:

How to Use Naloxone Nasal Spray Video: How to Use Naloxone Nasal Spray (:30) – YouTube

The Violence Prevention & Advocacy Program leads the efforts of UW Bothell and Cascadia College to create a community that is free of sex-and gender-based violence and harassment.

A student of concern is any student who is displaying behaviors that may get in the way of a student’s ability to be successful in the university environment. Other times, behaviors are being noticed by many members of our community and creating a significant amount of concern. This could mean a student experiencing crisis, displaying odd or unusual behavior, engaging in behaviors that are perceived to be harmful (to themselves or others), or behaviors that may bedeemed academically damaging.

  • The Purple Sheet: A resource developed by the CARE Team to help faculty and staff understand how and when to submit CARE Team reports.
Safety Resources - Campus Safety (2024)


How to increase safety on college campuses? ›

Below are some tips for schools looking to improve safety on their campus.
  1. Review who has access. It's important to reevaluate who has access to specific buildings and rooms. ...
  2. Create a plan. Develop policies and procedures for responding to emergencies. ...
  3. Utilize technology. ...
  4. Educate the community. ...
  5. Stay alert. ...
  6. Consider the cloud.

What is campus safety? ›

Campus safety measures may include initiatives and programs designed to create a safer environment for students attending college. These measures often include ride-share programs, self-defense training, and courses in crime prevention strategies.

What is the FBI campus security program? ›

The College and University Security Effort (CAUSE) is a partnership effort between the FBI and academia that seeks to protect research, products, and personnel from foreign intelligence threats. It falls under the FBI's Academic Alliance Program. No one likes to be a victim of crime.

What tool does the Broward College campus safety use to keep you safe and and informed on and off campus? ›

Be proactive about your safety and help keep the community safe by downloading the Everbridge Safety Connection application in the App Store or Google Play.

What can schools do to make their campuses safer? ›

Below is a list of five layered security measures that will help increase campus safety while creating some momentum in your overall security plan.
  • Adequate perimeter fencing. ...
  • Keep occupied classroom doors secured. ...
  • Guard against vehicle born attacks. ...
  • Regular staff training. ...
  • Anonymous reporting programs.

How do you keep college students safe? ›

Everyday living
  1. Take a self-defense course. ...
  2. Keep emergency numbers near your phone. ...
  3. Lock all doors and windows every time you leave your room/apartment/home, even if you plan to be gone for just a minute.
  4. Keep house and car keys on separate rings.
  5. Do not lend your keys to service/maintenance people you do not know well.

How do you stay safe off campus? ›

Walk with confidence. Look around, stay aware of what is going on around you. Listen to your "gut feelings". If something in the pit of your stomach says something isn't right, follow your instincts!

What is a safety for college? ›

A safety school is any college or university where you have an 80% chance or higher of being accepted. Although you can never be sure whether a school will admit you, compare your SAT or ACT scores and your GPA to their student body average.

What are Clery Act violations? ›

The OPE Handbook breaks down the Clery Act crimes into four general categories: criminal offenses, hate crimes, Violence Against Women Reauthorization offenses, and incidents and arrests that involve disciplinary action.

Why is campus security important? ›

Top Reasons Why Campus Safety and Security Is Important. Campus safety and security help students focus on learning and personal development. On the other end of the spectrum, these factors also help faculty members provide critical education to students without fearing for their safety.

Can FBI agents have tattoos? ›

Jewelry and Piercing Guidelines: All employees may only wear jewelry that does not interfere with the proper use of equipment, does not pose a safety hazard to the wearer, and is professional. Tattoos/Body Art/Branding: Tattoos, brands, and body markings are prohibited on the head, face, neck, tongue, lips, and scalp.

Should campus safety be a concern for college students? ›

Despite this, nearly three-quarters of current college students say they feel safe on their campus. Over half still say their college should be doing more to protect them at school. Most current and prospective students say stricter gun laws and on-campus police officers would make them feel safer.

What are the safety poles on college campuses? ›

Almost every higher education campus has a blue light box. They are tall blue poles that say “emergency,” and provide students, staff and visitors the ability to quickly alert authorities and campus officials in the event of an emergency.

Which of the following are ways to promote a safe campus culture? ›

5 ways to bolster school and campus safety
  • Emergency plans. Strategize with emergency plans and drills. ...
  • Safety and evacuation training. Empower students and staff with safety and evacuation training. ...
  • Safety and security technology. Leverage safety and security technology. ...
  • Physical security. ...
  • Annual risk assessment.

What precautions should students on a college campus? ›

Campus Safety Tips Every College Student Should Know
  • Keep Your Contact Information Updated. ...
  • Know Your Way Around Campus. ...
  • Wear Your ID Cards. ...
  • Use a Campus Security Escort After Dark. ...
  • Safety Tools. ...
  • Know the Location of Security Systems on Campus. ...
  • Always Have Emergency Contacts in Your Phone. ...
  • Report Suspicious Activity.
Jan 31, 2024

How can I make my college campus more student friendly? ›

How to Make College Facilities More Student Friendly
  1. Ensure your Classrooms Are Well Protected. ...
  2. No Distractions for Students. ...
  3. Students are seeking real world challenges. ...
  4. Break the walls and take it easy. ...
  5. Don't add on to the pile of books but let your libraries be. ...
  6. Offer beneficial support to students with great ideas.
Mar 18, 2019

Why are safe spaces important on college campuses? ›

A safe space is typically meant for marginalized populations to have a space that is conducive to their physical well-being. It can also be used to voice common narratives throughout the group.

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.