The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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4 CONTENTS 2 HIS PAPER New Wants Boarding and Lodging Business Chances To Let Lost and ound Legal Notices Amusem*nts Meetings Lec tures Local Springllold and Vi cinity New England News New England News (continued) Births Mar jiages and Deaths Dentistry or Miscellaneous Lumber Miscellaneous Bea) or Sale Clothing Marble Works Musical House urnishing Springfield Busi ness Directory Horses and Carriages The Trades inancial Educational Coal 4 Special Notices Paragraphs The Duel Between Reform and Ring Mr Colfax and His Indorsers McEwen and the Moral of Him Etc Notes and Comments The Legislature 5 Legislature (continued) Connecticut Matters The Massachusetts Senatorship rom Washing ton rom New York rom Europe rom the Pacific Coast rom the West rom the South The Weather Late Local News General News Items Etc rom Boston Boston Letter (continued) Medical Undertakers Hand Desks Westing house Brake and Invention: Selected Miscellany Railroads Building Materials Books Stationery Pictures Etc Hair Work Steam beats Ocean Steamers Insurance A Lynching in California A Stricken Commu nity Gleanings and Gossip Etc Town Officers for 1S73 Money and Business Advertisem*nts New THE WEEKLY REPUBLICAN Contents of the Number for riday March 2S News of the Editorial Note and Comment three columns of editorial paragraphs rom Washington one column of Senatorial doings Political and Personal one column Miscellaneous News Items one column Original Reform in State Organism Murder in Massachusetts oreign School for Americans A Revent Moral Reform Bulstrode Conscience Study A State as a Canalist The Case of Clay ton Our Boston Letter Philanthropy Lecturesand Literature at Boston from our special Correspondent The Indians from a Border View by a Kansas Cor respondent rom the Spanish Republic Home Intelligent Hints on Locating and Building a House in letters between an Archi tect and a family man seeking a house St a poem by Joaquin Miller Prof New Normal School Mr Patterson of Hanover Sir Alger and the In sane Asylums Our isheries Inland and Shore Gallows Logic Howto be Honest Another of the Tammany Ring rauds People that we Hate Washington Letter rom Boston our weekly Legislative Summary What they know about Tobacco the Harvest Discoursing on the subject News Miscel lany Town Officers for 1873 results of the an nual town meetings Money and Business and the Latest Markets Advertisem*nts one col umn The Mother of Jaques a story of the ranco Prussian War House arm and Garden one column of intere ting paragraphs Religious Intelligence one column Beecher on Crime its Causes and its Remedy a sermon re cently preached at Plymouth Church Miscel laneous Paragraphs Special Notices Adver tisem*nts two columns and a half Local Springfield and Vicinity Western Massachusetts Eastern Massachusetts Connecticut Vermont: New Hampshire Rhode Island Maine Local Notices Births Marriages and Deaths Copies for the mail for sale this morning price five cents by the year $2 in clubs $150 Special Notices Notices under this the most advantageous place in the are inserted for 20 cents a line each insertion Lathrop Loan Agency Room 21 Gilmore's Building Loans secured by real estate Rates of interest 10 to 12 per cent ml On the Breakfast Luncheon Dinner and Sup per Table LEA Worcestershire Sauce is indi pensable JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS New York Agents for the United States White's Specialty for We can name several well known gentlemen who speak with out stint in praise of this quite infallible The Commonwealth (Boston) Hair Dye is the best in the world the only true and perfect Hair Dye no ridiculous tints no disappointment harmless reliable instan taneous black or brown at all and 16 Bond street New York or Moth Patches reckles and Tan' use Moth and reckle Lotion It is Reliable and Harmless Sold by Druggists everywhere De pot 49 Bond street New York or Pimples on the ace Blackheads and leshworms use Improved Comedone and Pimple Remedy the great skin medicine Prepared onlv by Dr 'C Perry Dermatologist 49 Bond st Sold by Druggists everywhere In Boston The Daily Republican may be found each day on and after 11 a at the News Stand in the Boston and Albany Passenger Station price four cents The Daily Republican in New The Daily Springkield Republican may be found each day at News Room Union Square New York at and after 2 of the day of price flee cents a copy The tragic consequences of coughs and colds when permitted to run on unchecked are consump tion bronchitis pleurisy pneumonia etc orestall these destructive disorders at the outset with Honey of Horehound and Tar an absolute specific for all the ailments which produce them Critten 7 6th avenue Sold by all Druggists Toothache Drops cure in one minute Commonwealth of MaMacIinsett State House March 19 1873 The Committee on Laoor will give a hearing to the petitioners for an eight hour law Tuesday April 1 at 10 a Per order of the Committee n218d WC PARKER Jr The Circulation of The Daily Republi can never was so large as now is twice as large as that of any other daily in New England out of Bos ton and is only exceeded by two or three papers there while its prices of advertising are less than those of any daily journal i that city and lower in proportion to circulation than those of any daily pa perin the country Short casual advertisem*nts 10 ccnta a line first insertion and 6c each subsequent in sertion Special terms for long and continued adver tisem*nts Consumption Can be Cured PULMONIC SYRUP SEAWEED TONIC MANDRAKE PILLS Are the only medicines that will cure Pulmonary Consumption Sometimes medicines that will stop a cough will often occasion the death of the patient It locks up the liver stops the circulation of the blood hemor rhage follows and in fact clogging the action of the very organs that caused the cough Liver complaint and dyspepsia are the causes of two thirds of the cases of consumption Many are now complaining with dull pain in the side the 'bow els sometimes costive and sometimes too loose tongue coated pain in the shoulder blade feeling sometimesvery restless and at other times drowsy thefbod that is taken lies heavily on the stomach accompa nied with acidity and belching of wind These symp toms usually originate from a disordered condition of the stomach or a torpid liver Persons so affected if they take one or two heavy colds and if the cough in these cases be suddenly stopped the lungs liver and stomach clog and remain torpid and Inactive and before the patient is aware of nis situation the lungs are a mass of sores and ulcerated and death is the inevitable result Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup is an expectorant which does not contain any opium nor anything calculated to check a cough suddenly SchencK Seaweed Tonis dissolves the food mixes with the gastric juice of the stomach digests easily nourishes the system and creates a healthy circula tion of the blood When the bowels are costive skin sallow and the patient is of a bilious habit Mandrake Pills are required ttre prepared by Dr SCHENCK A SON Northeast corner of Sixth and Penn and for sale by vEO GOODWIN CO 38 Hanover street Bos 8 Place New York or sale by Druggists generally au26 'd wllm I THE SPRINGIELD DILY REPUBLICAN: RIDAY MARCH 28 1873 life ilqiub luan RIDAY MORNING MARCH 28 1873 Nobody will be surprised to learn that the Massachusetts Senate has followed the example set by the House in refusing to rescind the reso lution of censure on Senator Sumner But it is not Mr Sumner's reputation that suffers by the action Thierry not the great rench historian Jac ques but his brother Amedee is the first name in rench literature to appear in the necrological list of the year This Thierry was also a histo rian but of the Gallic age having published several works bearing on the Roman conquest of rance Another death reported by cable is that of Countess Guccioli mistress and biographer a character unlovely to think of The Tweed investigation has come to an ab rupt conclusion inding that his protest was disregarded he resigned his seat in the New York Senate yesterday and that body imme diately discharged the committee which was ap pointed to look into his case It will be remem bered that Tweed threatened that somebody would be if the matter was pushed and the public will regret that the promised dis closures of ring tactics are not to be made It seems that it was a very fortunate circum stance for Gen remont that he did not put in an appearance at his trial before a Paris court for his connection with the Memphis and El Paso railroad fraud If he had faced the music he would have been nabbed by an officer as he was leaving the court room and locked up to commence serving a term of five impris onment It is not a pleasant thing to think of a man whom so many of his countrymen once thought worthy to be their chief magistrate receiving such a sentence for such an offense A number of distinguished gentlemen inter ested in Credit Mobilier investments salary grabs etc are in danger of putting more con fidence in the shortness of the public memory than the event will justify We may be mis taken but we fancy the trouble has hardly be gun yet A republican county convention in Gen district has invited that eminent public servant to resign his seat We look to see other constituencies follow at the next election ot congressmen if not before When these men come to again they will begin to realize the disadvantage of being handicapped with a disgraceful record The death of James Dixon at Hartford yester day removes a man who was but a short time since one of the most prominent figures in Con necticut politics Born in Enfield Ct and graduated at Williams college in 1834 he was elected to the Legislature of his state at the early age of 23 he was also a member of the same body several times in following years rom 1845 to 1849 he was a representative in Congress and in 1857 was elected to a seat in the Senate which he continued to hold until Gov Bucking ham succeeded him in March 1869 He went over to Andrew Johnson when the latter broke with the republican party and his political life closed with his retirement from the Senate He has been in poor health for some time his malady being heart disease he was in his 60th year This is a queer story which reaches us from Washington via New York about an investiga tion that come off It may be remember ed that about a fortnight ago the Washington Republican accused Mr Eugene Casserly of owing his seat in the Senate to the expenditure of $175 000 in his behalf by the bank cf California nam ing the man who supervised the disbursem*nt and also naming a number of witnesses The story is that within a very few hours after the appearance of the article Senators Sargent and Stewart were closeted with the editor and urging him to let Casserly and the bank of California alone that finding theit arguments ineffectual they withdrew and were presently succeeded by the genial Secretary Robeson who was equally unable to make the editor hear reason that a second and fiercer article appeared reiterating the charges and naming additional witnesses that the editor was then invited to the White House and that since the date of this invitation the Washington Republican hasn't had a word to say about Mr Casserly or the bank of Cali fornia Messrs Peckham Co for the great lawyers we all know them to be have certainly made a very curious mess of their suits against the members of the late Tammany ring they have only themselves to blame if a disappointed public says unpleasant things about them in con sequence On Wednesday Judge Harden of the state supreme court in sustaining Mr Chair maker demurrer virtually lectured them from the bench for gross ignorance of practice He said it was clear the real party in nterest was the county and not the state the complaint was therefore improperly drawn un less it was forthwith amended the action would not be maintained This is a pretty particularly as the civil actions against Tweed and the others for the recovery of the stolen millions have all been bungled in precisely the same manner The Tribune sees in it the end of all the proceedings against the late ring criminal as well as civil since no suit brought by the county could accomplish anything and the attorney gen eral must be convinced that it will not be advis able for him to meddle or make further in the business We shall try to hope that the Tribune may be mistaken but Judge decision certainly has the look of a There is a certain picture going the rounds of the American illustrated papers whose history indicates the possible future extent of tho prov ince ot illustration It is a water logged timber ship with great guns blowing one man lashed to the half submerged planking and another looking death in the face It was stolen from the English papers of course and was meant to deepen the public horror at the revelations of devilish heartlessness in the manning of ships made by Mr Plimsoll Punch also comes to the aid of the philanthropist with a significant not such a horrid phantasmagoria of meaningless monsters as Matt Morgan perpo trates on the murder question this week Mr Plimsoll by the way promises to make things livelyjforthe wreckers He points out in a letter to the Timesthat young as the year is there are al no less than 44 ships reported missing with over 1C0O He heads a Plimsoll defense with a contribution of £1000 bis wife coming next with £500 This fund will go partly to the relief of the fatniliesof lost sailors We must say that if there is one inan that we ache to take off our hat to it is the) genuine British philanthropist quietly going about the work and prosecuting it with all the sturdy and relentless vigor of his race This quiet worldly Plimsoll has been at work on his investigation for years and now having got his cause before the public he becomes cue of the most and most justly famous men of England The Duel Between Reform and Ring Apparently reform is getting the better of it That interesting sea side 'cottager patron of im pccunious aides de camp! and chosen friend and counselor of the re elected administration Mr or Thomas Murphy is evidently anxious if not alarmed Hitherto he has entrusted the immediate command tt Albany to his lieutenant the young and fiery Davenport who learned the art of war under the illustrious utler ut this is discreditable" remarks Gov Dix is ng the vote of both houses ig it was voted to so amend as to retain in office all including Mr friend Van the including nd to allow the mayor to the approval of the alder is said is very displeasing anyway it settles nothing week he takes the fieldhimself He arrived inAlba ny on Wednesday His plan apparently is to make the support of the custom house charter a test of party loyalty fa thus whip in the hesita ting and reluctant republicans and then to rush the bill through rougb trampling down all opposition and sciuting all suggestions of amendment It further appears that Mr Murphy and his young men had a new revelation recently on the vexed question of the aipointing power and that they proposed to leave this power with a board consisting of the mayor and the presidents of the aidermen and assistant a very snug and comfortable arrangement it will be seen for the ring since it would leave Hartkoppig scarcely less hard headed and obstinately honest successor in a minority and insure his being outvoted every time The fact is that this now famous charter is not correctly described by its title It should have been called A bill to Thomas Murphy George Bliss Jr and other persons to administer upon the estates of the late William Tweed and Peter That would have been both honest and descriptive Luckily the danger of the bill becoming law in the shape proposed would seem to be small and growing less from day to day The dose is a little too strong even for the partisan organs Brother says it would rather Tweed Charter just as it stands and wait a Legislature having more brains and principle can be chosen than accept one which the mayor is a mere figure head with the ew Yoik Times says the measure in its preseit shape is with and ives notice that it may be expected if worst cines to worst to urge Gov Dix to brain the monstrosity with a veto Such talk from such quarnrs is refreshing It will be very welcome to thlt thousands of thoughtful citizens in all sections of the country to whom this problem of municipal reform has become a very interesting and tven absorbing one and who have been not a little disappointed and dis heartened at the turn which the New York ex periment seemed to be taking It is now pretty well understood that Mr Havemeyer and the committee of seventy stand in this fight for good and honest local government for clean local pol itics and for the right of the people to choose their own servants 'and manage their own af help or hindrance from fairs without any At a caucus of republican senators held on Wednesday even i Mr plan the present republ Smith am to oust all Controller appoint subject to men This action to Mr Murphy and as the caucus vote that no one was to feel by it the Tribune it at least no worse than we from the ou et quoted as saying 1j shall not feel at liberty to veto any plan obtaii but thinks his reput ican friends are a Hr Colfax and His Indorsers There is no wish on our part certainly and we have not become conscious of any on the part of the American people to take an unfair ad vantage of Mr unfortunate position We even take a certain pleasure in seeing that his old friends and neighbors in Indiana contin ue to stand by him and soften his downfall by the expression of sincere confidence It is a no ble trait in human nature not to forget past vir tues in the present disgrace not to abandon the fallen however destrved may have been the fall When the statesman Harley withdrew from Lon don in disgrace the cynical Swift hastened to console him in his retirement lord of Ox he wrote to 1 friend who remonstrated my friend when he was in power and I not forsake him because he has no longer to Mr Colfax has nothing more to bestow on those who believe in him so much the more generous is it to stand him if it be done from human sympathy and not for partisan effect But one result of Gen Grant's id considered letter to Mr Colfax has been to set the party organs praising the late vice president thus recalling tc the popular mind the jus tice of the intangblo punishment under which be is now laboring We regret this for Mr Col but fo the purity of the public mor als it is not to be It is much easier to feel that the late vice president committed a great sin against public morals than to define exactly its character arid magnitude ew persons believe that he sold himself to Oakes Ames more think that he committed deliberate perjury but the number of these is small His sin was in betraying the trust reposed in his honesty by the American people and seeking to deceive them on a point which the popular in stinct felt to be a vital one When the charge now proved to be true was made against him last summer he equivocated used language which he knew would give a false impression and still continues to justify his course by quib bling on the wore He compromised not sold himself by accepting offer of stock at less than half its price then tried to make the people telieve he was stainless and therefore his reputation is what we now see and feel it to be Until he has repented of this at tempt to deceive the people and apologized for his breach of trust iu holding high office and ac cepting prirate favors from congressmen and contractors we see no hope that he can be re stored to the confidence of the country And every effort to palliate what ho has any certificate that he is all an American statesman should be will only make his fault more promi nent Mr Colfax has been generally popular and es pecially the favorite of the Young Christians whose associations have so often invited him to speak before them But there are some matters in which Young Christians are deficient and wherein the old heathens that Herodotus wrote about could give the late vice president an in structive lesson They had an oracle at Delphi where the Pythian priestess mingled some sound sense with a great deal of nonsense and ambig uity like the oracles of more recent times Per haps the adventure of Glaucus the Spartan with this oracle and with the creditor whom he tried to cheat is as well worth Mr meditation now as anything that the newspapers can say Glaucus like Oakes Ames had an opportunity to make some money by taking what did not be long to him and putting it where it would do the most good A friend had left a deposit of money in his hands and died before reclaiming it When his sons came to recall the deposit Glaucus told them he had nothing for them and offered to make oath that no such money had been given him But before perjuring himself to that degree he thought fit to send to Delphi and ask the oracle what he ought to do son of said the priestess to prevail by an oath and to make a booty the money will be for your present death awaits alike the perjurer and the man keeps his oath But there is a nameless of Perjury who has neither hands nor feet pursues swiftly until he has seized and de the whole race and all the house and race of a man who keeps his word is after more Glaucus alarmed said he would give up the monev but the inflexible priestess said tempt the oracle and to com the crime are the same thing" And now says Herodotus is not living a single des ot Glaucus but his race is utterly ex tirpated from It begins to look as if the great republican party having acted the part of Glaucus would meet with his fate niEvrtii and the moral of Him a fool honesty says light fingered Signor Autolycus in the play and it must needs be owned that with all our nineteenth century wisdom our improvements in legislation and locks our social science congresses and the rest the thieves are still one too many for us They continue to break through and steal very much in the old fashion how to keep them out re mains an unsolved problem Most of us thought a great step had been taken toward its solution when the business public abandoning the iron doors and shutters in which it had previously trusted turned on the gas in bank and store be fore going home and left the whole interior open to the eye of the passing policeman But we are now reluctantly forced to the conviction that even gas light and publicity while no doubt ex cellent and useful things in their way will not do to Hear the melancholy history of McEwen McEwen is a New York tailor doing business in the sightly building of the A on 23d street Last Thursday evening Mc Ewen left bis store brilliantly lighted to the in addition to the three faith ful and loud tongued dogs and betook him self with a tranquil mind to the bosom of his family This was at half past 7 Before 10 his store had been robbed of goods to the aggregate value of $3000 At an hour when the streets and sidewalks were crowded with people the thieves had driven up fastened their horse unlocked the front door walked in helped themselves locked up again jumped in to their carriage and drove off into the un known The dogs barked their best faithful creatures but no one paid any attention to them those who saw the performance took it for granted that it was the owner of the store get ting ready for the next business and men tally complimented him on his industry and thrift The very boldness of the thing amounted to an all but absolute guaranty against interrup tion or failure McEwen and the rest of us will have to try again People that We There are some subjects on which we feel more deeply than we have ever out" in editorial or on the plat form some people toward whom we harbor the most bitter intentions although we have never before publicly denounced them There is the man who makes furniture and bed casters and the little axles so poorly that af ter trundling about for a brief season tho little wheels run off and the stumps snag the carpet We hate him There are all the men who ever had anything to do with devising the fastenings to car windows We hate them jointly and gen erally and we should like ever so much to head a party which would never vote for one of them We hate subscription book agents We hate in ventors of yeast powders We hate the inventor of the shirt button and should like to kick him out of the west end of the depot with a locomo tive clear round the world and in at the east end again We hate the fellow who is fectly the other one who it for your and the other one who is going to speak just a and one other We know it is heathen but we are satisfied that we are hopelessly incor rigible in these deep seated enmities The Latest American Railroad Swindle perpetrated upon the confiding capitalists of the Continent is that of the Oregon and California railroad whose bonds to the amount of $10 950000 were to a great extent disposed of in Germany The president of the road then pro ceeded to contract with himself to build a por tion of the line out of these proceeds leaving the most difficult part of the work incomplete Whereupon there was a startling decline in the market quotations of the bonds in Berlin and the suspicious German stockholders becoming at the rapidly decreasing value of their investment have commenced legal proceedings against the road to recover their money Rejoice ye Bald Headed for an inventive Kentuckian has discovered a method of trans planting hair He cuts from a convenient head a thick IdCk of hair and plants it in an arificial soil compounded of various chemical substances In this soil the hair rapidly takes root and when it has attained a desirable length the scalp of the person to whom it is to be transferred is scarified and the lock of hair bound roots down ward upon the exposed surface In two or three days it again takes root the bandages that confine it are removed and the process is repeated until the bead that once shone like a billiard ball is covered with a tropical luxuriance of hair NOTJES AND COMMENTS Mr James English the insurance editor now and for some time past confined in Ludlow street jail op a charge of libel has appealed to the Albany Legislature for an investigation and that body has ordered its committee on grievances to look into the case Mr says he can make good his allegations of fraud against the Mutual life in surance company whenever the chance is afford ed him Whether he can or not it is certainly scandalous that New York law permits a man whoiti it presumes to be innocent to lie in jail for weeks vainly begging prosecution and courts for a trial Where the man is poor and friend less and the prosecutor rich and powerful it has a very bad look We hope Mr appeal to the Legislature will bear fruit 1 says the World forth like pure gold tried in the We hope he does but we help remembering that the same thing was said at the North Easton ban quet of one Hon Oakes Ames Another addition to the list of congressmen who share in the back pay Repre sentative Eli Perry of the Albany (NY) dis trict who has decided to invest his share in United States bonds and then cancel the bonds Next to Warmoth Clayton of Arkansas is probably the worst of the unclean brood that for the last seven years have been preying upon our unhappy countrymen at the South We do not yet despair of seeing both of them get some por tion of their deserts Even the principal organ now that Grant is re elected and the country saved shows a disposition to turn the cold shoul der on the Arkansas loyalist allowing its special correspondent at Washington to talk of him in this style: Clayton may be a very innocent man and if so this action of the Senate will hardly satisfy him The investigation will not convince any of enemies that he is a political saint and it will not warrant his triends in pushing him forward as a model of a political reformer" We should rather think it The managers of the Washington monument fund ask congressmen who draw the back pay but feel like keeping it to turn it over to that unfinished work urging that such a dispo sition of the money would be a disinterested con tribution while its bestowal on charities in their respective districts has a selfish aspect Only two senators have thus far refused to draw their extra pay for the last Cor bett and Kelly of Oregon in whose cases the mileage they would have to refund more than equals the $5000 though many have not yet applied for it among the latter beinir Senator Edmunds of Vermont who has gone to Europe Gov ridiculous plan for the asstimp tionby the general government ofthedebtsof the states finds favor in the eyes of the Virginia Legisla ture both branches having passed a resolution indorsing the proposition and instructing the governor to forward copies of the resolution and bis message on the subject to the Legislatures of the several states The Illinois supreme court has just decided that the business of tele graph companies is all a sham is their way of declaring their irre sponsibility for the correct delivery of messages unless the sender has them repeated at an extra charge The case in question was one in which a commercial gentleman ordered his agent by telegraph to purchase 100 shares of certain stock and the company multiplied his order by 10 in transmission so that the agent bought more stock than was profitable The judge ruled that unless the company could show that the error was the result of something besides the carelessness of their agents they were liable for all damages The Cleveland Herald makes these shocking remarks about the members of the Ohio Legis lature: There are members of the Legislature who spend more hours at Columbus smoking drinking and loafing than in their official du ties When there is a call of the House the ser geant at arms knows pretty well where to find a score of the members and these lazy legislative louts with those who have the by going home do not earn the salt of their por ridge' A proof that evil communications corrupt good manners comes from Berlin The depu tieshave just voted themselves an extra two thalers $160 a day so that now they are re munerated at the rate of $375 per diem An amendment on the part of a conservative mem ber to continue to pay at three thalers was de feated by 206 to 116 But they were not so un scrupulous as our own salary thieves for they did not make the vote retroactive A Massachusetts correspondent writes to the New York World about our recent senatorial bee: The only person badly sold in this trans action is Dr Loring Within two days of the election it was generally supposed that he would transfer Ins few adherents to the Berkshire aspir ant but he was allured by the artifices of the Gloucester tempter who has deceived him so otten at the very last moment into tho support of the The consideration is the representation in Congress of the Essex dis trict when Butler shall be elevated to the guber natorial chair It is safe to say that poor Loring will never be the recipient of this reward as it is well understood that Gen Cogswell of Salem and of the Grand Army possesses the reversionary right and will not surrender it under any cir c*mstances to so recent a convert as Loring So the promise will be broken as previous ones have been One of the daily government advertising sheets at the capital prints the names of ten newspaper correspondents who are clerks to committees at the capitol and who were awarded an increase of 15 per cent on their salaries in the salary grab bill and ironically gives the disposition they propose to make of it before asking congressmen to eive up their little Stealings We hope some reputable member at the next session will re vive proposition to permanently divorce the functions of committee clerk and correspon dent Having obtained for bis committee permission to sit during the recess and draw on the contin gent fund for Mr Morton proposes instead of spending the hours in play to hammer out a nice new contrivance for elect ing presidents against tae re assembling of Con gress Mr Morton is the industrious apprentice of this administration Gov Jewell having invited Connecticut piety to offer supplication next ast day that ual selfishness may not be permitted to under mine the foundations of the the prin cipal organs net in a neat compliment by re marking: all our public men'were construct ed on the model of Gov Jewell himself there would be less pressing urgency for this The Utica (N YJjHerald of which Congress man Ellis Roberts is editor makes this state ment about his disposition of his share in the salary steal: Roberts is not now in this country but in his absence we will say what he refrained from saying that the only question he has ever raised was whether he should leave this money in the treasury of the United States or draw it for the benefit of his district or some institution or institutions within his The Herald seems to leave it in doubt whether Mr Roberts settled this question before he sailed for Europe And now it is said that Brother Newman going to be appointed inspector of consuls after all while a Washington correspondent now thinks he has a soft thing on the place Ru mor says Newman wanted to going to the Vienna cxrwskio partment said he must rnmm1 on' the a wich Islands St Commnce with the Under the new law of ininoi8 married woman the rights of a W1 enabling her to make independent of her husband and be8 him if there has arken to el question whether a husband is slauder uttered by bis wife and i sponsible for all her have it Judge Thornton of ue la an elaborate opinion mentiXa 1 ur ber of the rights and wt0 manned woman is endowed by thi? LWhich closed by saying that he considered th in no wise liable: brain and hohasbs4 tongue are ber own and she sXm tbandsiil ble for slanders uttered by herself be resPfjus Gen brief incumbency characterized by many bold expense of the administration pS thi spicuously by his vehement oppoMti COt' salary grab which it is well kK t0 Mr Grant the sum of $100 000 1 richl appointment of Gen a tat office has very mucV the1 iaversiot" to being designed to punish him for his tuous independence in calling a or a steal a steal Chieago Times a The idea of making Charles Sumner an ap of divine worship inHavtiis not ranobfe bad one or ears thIX IhyT 9 venerated his name Not long ao the government had a gold medaltrnck T1 nonor His festooned portrait is hunL 3 government house and little pictures of tte scattered through the countn It easy matter to elevate him to a place Si' divinities of Hayti When this is done pie can keep small images of the newgStE' houses or wear them around their neck before a great while human saS probably be offered to his name Commercial Liuvinnati Tie appointment of Gen Wehsw assistant treasurer of the United States at cago is perhaps the best appointment that 6 Grant has made since his second inauS Gen Webster is an excellent representati civil service reform and we regret that so appointments have been made to illustrate vindicate the principle jChicago Tribune Only 36 senators drew their extra pay forth last session The rest with a single excewi have simply left it in the hands of the serw at arms to be called for when the excitement has subsided Great deference to nubliconin ion is shown in this sacrifice of interest on tbs amounts lying idle What with the Credit her stock turned over by Mr Kelley and theun called for back pay the sergeant at arms has hishands full of conscience York The millennium progresses in Loii isiana and heavenly peace reigns under the aus pices of the cherub Judge Durell the seraph Governor Kellogg and the archangel brotber in law Casey New Orleans is the modern Xe Jerusalem Courier Journal If republicans cannot beat Tweed and Oakev Hall in charter making then they had belter give up the business altogether There are a fw people in New York besides the ring politicians who are hunting for spoils that have somein terestin this question Their protest will be heard if they are cheated out of what they mean to have good charter for local self govern ment Politically considered the Legislature can hardly do anything worse for the republican party in this state than to forfeit public confi dence by the structure of the new charter for New York York Independent We are not inconsolable over the fact that th political managers of New York city find it im practicable to use Mayor Havemeyer for partisan purposes We hope to see the time when in all the great cities of the land mayors and aldermen will regulate their official conduct with a strict eye to the inteiests of the tax payers and a total disregard of the wishes of the rascals who live by Dreying upon the public Louis Democrat We regard the salary grab as by odds the meanest of a legion of mean schemes of plunder consummated by a republican Congress and the democrats who gave it aid and comfort in out opinion are unworthy of the Courier Charles flag did not meet with the indorsem*nt of the masses of the republican party but that he offered it with thebestintentions and in true patriotic spirit no one doubts The record of the Massachusetts senator is so filled with good deeds so free from anything like corruption that the passage of resolutions of censure by the Legislature of his state and the subsequent refusal to rescind them cannot but strike all thinking men as a specie ol ingratitude unworthy that great commonwealthCol Paper Caldwell your tardy resignation Was yet a timely master stroke Oh that your whole denomination Had carried out the self same joke! Had all the thrifty handed crew But shown such wily pluck as you And like the coon of Capt Scott Succumbed before the fatal shot How many a Credit Mobilier liar Had never sworn his life away And how the nation had stood higher In honor and in day New York orld THE LEGISLATURE inte rom Our Special Reporter Boston Thursday March 21 The Sumner resolutions came up again to day and were finally settled the Senate sustaining its reputation for anti in the tnw approved manner The debate was short ths vote decisive The only democrat in the body was the only man who paid a tribute to thesenwr senator anil he was squelched by so small avow in favor of his resolution declaring that the ac tion of the last or any other Legislature in rey tion to national subjects wis unnecessary tiw he did not care to call for a tount The mincn report of the committee wlich was offeren Mr uller was rejected by a of 23 to 4 a few words from Mr Washburn of Suffolk to effect that time would rende" a just verdict the actions when party amnios1 had passed away and tha it was 011 waste of time to discius ttto more at present Mr Torrw of the unfairness of lis conduct i i fusing Wendell Phillips a heiring on tn' punging of the resolutions by itatingtMu the opinion of the committee expunging an scinding were one and the same thing th'11 Phillips had sierned one petition tor rescin and another for expunging and thereto there was any difference in their Phillips was inconsistent that no one had as him to give a separate bearing to the fentie who was away on a lecturing tour aid tn minority of the committee was to bhme' report was hurried through After tlis tn port of the committee giving the netitio leave to withdraw was accepted by a ye nay vote of 27 to 4 the only membeK vet'11 the negative being Mr Jacobs of SaTois Messrs Clark uller and Potter of The Senate did but little business beyond posing of the Sumner resolution Several Po tions were presented in favor of a separ1 prison for women which were signed by the leading women of the state A mn strance was presented from the Upton against the consolidation of the 1 burg and Unwell railroads and seme toP were received from committees saying that impossible to legislate in relation to the powers and numbers of the board of rion and providing for the establish nent mj reeistry of deeds in northern Worcester orders of the diy were all advanced a etago Tbere was anoher long dry and ur interest1 debate in the Howe on the division taking the same course as that of yc sterdM onlv relief being afforded by a brief but i i.

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