The Best Chicken Breast You'll Ever Make (Restaurant-Quality) (2024)

I'm Frank Proto, professional chef and culinary instructor

and today I'm gonna show you

how to make a perfectly juicy chicken breast, Frank style.

[lively instrumental music]

We're talking succulent, delicious chicken breast,

not that dry stringy stuff that your grandma serves.

This is chicken breast 101.

Chicken breast doesn't need to be dry and stringy.

With a little bit of knowledge, a little bit of technique,

it could be juicy and delicious every single time.

[bright instrumental music]

In front of me, I have two different chicken breasts.

One is a little smaller, one is a little larger.

I try and go for the smaller ones.

I feel like they're more tender, they have a better texture.

This chicken breast I'm gonna leave alone.

This chicken breast needs a little work

before we can put it in the pan.

I'm gonna take this chicken breast,

and I'm just gonna get my chef knife.

Put a flat hand on top

and kinda cut it right down the center.

You'll notice that when I put my hand on top,

my thumb is kinda pointed up, my fingers are pointed up.

I'm just putting light pressure down.

That light pressure will make it easier to cut.

And now we basically have two chicken breasts from the one.

I feel like this is a better size to cook.

If it's too thick, it takes a little longer.

You get dry ends and the center is usually a little pink

so this way it's gonna cook much more evenly.

Some people will tell you,

pound this out with a meat mallet.

I don't really like to do that

because I want my chicken breast to be nice and brown,

and if I pound it out and then saute it,

it's gonna be way overcooked by the time it's ready to eat.

When it comes to seasoning chicken breasts,

I'm a minimalist, salt and pepper only.

Spice rubs tend to burn when you saute them.

When you're sauteing a chicken breast,

you wanna make sure that before you put it in the pan

you get a paper towel and pat it dry.

That extra moisture will stop our chicken from browning.

So get all that excess moisture off

before you put it in the pan.

When I season, I use kosher salt

and fresh cracked black pepper.

Whenever you season, you want to start really high.

If I was to season like this, you get little spots of salt.

If you season high,

you get a nice, even distribution of salt.

Pepper, go a little bit on a fine grind with this

and then we can turn it over and season the other side.

You wanna season both sides.

Chicken season ready to go. Let's cook.

[bright instrumental music]

I have a stainless steel saute pan in front of me.

I like these because they're a bit of a thicker gauge.

They're a heavy-bottom stainless steel saute pan.

If you have a thin saute pan, what happens is,

you'll get burnt spots and undercooked spots.

I like to use cast iron for a lot of things like this,

but when I'm doing a pan sauce, I don't like cast iron

because believe it or not,

it gets a little of that flavor from the pan.

That's why I use stainless steel.

There is no flavor transfer from the pan to the sauce.

When sauteing, you want high temperature

for a shorter amount of time.

You see I put salt on this chicken breast?

Salt draws out moisture.

So, before we go in the pan,

again, you wanna dab this to make sure they're not wet.

This way we ensure proper browning.

My pan's getting hot.

I like to use a neutral high smoke point oil.

We're just using a vegetable oil here.

I don't use fancy oils for this

because once they go in the pan, all the flavor disappears,

and you can see right away it looks like waves.

It looks kind of shimmery, and that's what I want.

If there's a little bit of smoke, that's a good thing.

I'm gonna dab off my chicken breasts

and then when I drop them in the pan,

I'm dropping away from myself.

If I drop it towards myself, I'm getting splashed with oil.

If I drop it away from myself,

I am not getting splashed with oil.

So lower my heat down a little.

Don't be afraid to adjust your heat if you have to.

Right now I feel like I have the right amount of heat.

I took a quick peek underneath to see that I was browning.

My chicken wasn't sticking.

But for the most part at this point,

you want to just leave it alone.

Let the saute pan do its work.

Don't mess around, don't move it around too much.

You can check occasionally to see how you're doing, right?

We're getting some nice browning in there.

Don't mess around with it too much. Leave it alone.

I have a little bit of a dry spot here

'cause the pan is a little bowed in the middle

so the oil kinda went to the edges.

So you'll notice that I always want my chicken breasts

to be sitting in the oil.

What this does is I don't have high spots and low spots.

My chicken cooks nice and even on the surface.

What I'm looking for here

is that we have a nice golden brown on that side.

Look at that. That's beautiful.

And then what I'm doing is I'm poking my chicken breasts.

I know that it's raw, but as I poke onto it, it's super soft

and as it cooks to the right temperature, it's gonna go

from super soft and kind of spongy to being really bouncy.

And that's what I'm looking for, the texture of it, right?

I don't want it to be soft and spongy.

I want it to kind of bounce back really nice.

You'll notice that I only have two breasts in here.

I have a third, but I think that if I put too many

in the pan, it's gonna overcrowd the pan.

What happens basically is it starts to steam.

Steam is moisture,

and then your chicken breast does not get brown

so don't overcrowd your pan.

I feel like this chicken breast is ready to go.

If you touch it, it's got some nice bounciness to it.

I'm gonna take it out and put it onto my resting rack.

This piece is a little thicker. It needs a little more time.

You notice that I use my fingers 'cause I have chef hands.

You can always just push down with tongs

to see how you're bounciness is.

Most people say that chicken breast needs to be cooked

to about 165 in order for it to be fully cooked.

I find if chicken breast gets cooked to 165, it's dry.

I tend to go about 150, 155 because they will continue

to cook when you put them over here.

It's called carryover cooking.

If you're really unsure about when to take it off,

you can always use a thermometer.

I kinda go by touch and feel.

Even if it's a little pink or a little underdone

we can always reheat it before we put the sauce on.

Right now I'm getting some nice good spring back.

I'm gonna take this out and let it rest.

I put my chicken on the resting rack

so the meat can kinda equalize.

The juices can redistribute

and we'll have a nice juicy chicken breast.

So you can see my chicken breast is nice and brown.

It's got some nice caramelization, and that equals flavor.

I have some of my juices running off.

I can always reclaim those if I want.

Part of the reason why chicken breast is so easy to mess up

is because it's a super lean cut of meat.

There's little to no fat on it.

Unless you keep the skin, it's gonna be a dry piece of meat

so cooking it properly is where it's at.

[bright instrumental music]

For our chicken breasts today

we're gonna do a super simple pan sauce

that anyone can make.

You don't need to be a culinary genius to get this right.

If you're sauteing chicken breast,

a pan sauce is your friend.

In restaurants, pan sauces don't really get made

because they take a lot of time,

but this is a great tech technique for the home cook.

The star of the show here is that fond,

and that is really necessary for a good pan sauce.

A fond is all the caramelized juices

in the bottom of the pan.

It's super flavorful, it's gonna give color to your sauce

and it's just gonna make it taste great.

So my pan is getting hot.

I'm gonna put just a little bit of fresh oil, not a lot.

So I have about a couple of shallots here

diced nice and fine.

So you'll notice that I cook my shallots a little

before I add my garlic.

I have a couple of cloves of garlic there.

Pan's a little dry, so I'm just gonna add a little more oil

'cause I want these to sizzle

and get nice and caramelized and brown.

So now my garlic and shallots are nice and brown.

I'm gonna add chicken stock.

[oil sizzling]

It stops the cooking of my shallots and garlic,

and that's gonna be the main flavor base.

We're gonna reduce this down.

Reduction is a really great way to get flavor.

Chicken stock by itself isn't super flavorful,

but if you reduce it, you get a really nice chicken flavor.

It's probably gonna take about seven

to eight minutes to reduce.

You gotta be patient here. Take your time.

I turned my heat up a little

'cause I want this to come to a simmer really quickly.

Any chicken juices that you have should be put in there.

Not oil, but the juice.

That juice comes out of the chicken while it rests.

That should be put in your sauce. Do not waste that.

So we're gonna let this come to a simmer.

You'll see that it's starting to come to a boil,

and if you look at my bubbles here,

my bubbles are really small and fine.

As you reduce things like chicken stock,

you'll notice that it starts to get a little thicker

and the bubbles get a little bit bigger,

and that'll tell you your sauce is getting

to the right consistency.

Just watch the bubbles.

At this point I'm gonna add just a pinch of salt.

I'm not gonna go crazy with the salt

because we're reducing this.

If you season this all the way right now

and then you reduce it, it's gonna be way too salty.

A little salt, a little pepper

and then we'll readjust later on

when the sauce is close to being done.

The sauce is reduced by half.

I add my butter, and that's what I want.

I want the butter to incorporate into the sauce.

At this point, I'm making sure that I got everything

off the bottom of the pan, and I'm just gonna mix it up.

So you can actually see my bubbles

on the side getting bigger.

My sauce is getting thicker.

The butter emulsifies into the sauce

and makes it creamy and delicious.

The classic French term for this is monter au beurre

or to mount with butter.

I'm going to adjust and lower my heat

and let this go a little slower.

So you can see my sauce is starting to get thick,

but what I'm looking for is that nappe consistency,

and if I put my spoon in there and I run my finger through,

I can still see that it's a little liquidy.

It's not really sticking to my spoon,

but I want this to kind of stick to my spoon

and get a little thick, right?

So you can see we have considerably less liquid

than we did earlier.

What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna turn my heat on super low.

I'm gonna hit it with some lemon juice.

One thing that I like to do is take the cut side

and put it on my hand and when I squeeze,

I squeeze towards my hand so that the seeds get trapped

in between my hand and the lemon half.

I like to add the lemon juice at the end

because I want it to be fresh and bright.

I don't want really cooked lemon juice flavors.

Just a little more seasoning, salt and pepper.

I'm gonna swirl that around.

So the sauce is ready and this is what I'm looking for.

There's a lot less liquid in this pan, right?

The sauce looks creamy, it's thick.

I coat the back of my spoon, I run my finger through.

There's a very sharp line, and you can see on either side,

the sauce is stuck to my spoon.

And what you can do now is add some parsley.

Parsley has a really nice bright, fresh flavor to it.

I like to add it right at the end.

Most people add parsley just for color.

I love the flavor, but look at that.

See how much sauce we have.

It's not a lot, but it's nice and thick.

It's got a nice, creamy consistency,

and that's our pan sauce.

The pan sauce is done. The chicken is rested.

It is time to plate.

Now, I like to slice my chicken breast

just to give it a little more visual appeal

so we can see the inside of it.

One thing that I always focus on here is this end piece.

No matter what I do,

this end piece is gonna be a little dry.

So what I like to do is cut that, chef snack.

Now with our chicken breast,

I wanna slice on a nice long angle.

You can see inside, it's not dry.

It's still got some bounce to it.

It's juicy and delicious, not overcooked.

I like to put the pan sauce on the bottom of the plate

because if you take that pan sauce and put it on top,

you're kinda hiding that nice browning that you did.

Not only that, it's kinda crispy,

and you're gonna take away that crispiness.

That's a chicken breast I want to eat.

Time to taste. Let's get in there.

You can see that it's nice and soft and tender.

It is not dry and stringy.


Whenever I eat a chicken breast like this, the sauce is key.

Mop up the sauce as much as you can.

By the end of this, your plate should be totally clean.

Chicken breasts can be delicious.

It just takes a little technique,

a little bit of know-how, and patience.

It can be juicy, I promise you!

[bright instrumental music]

The Best Chicken Breast You'll Ever Make (Restaurant-Quality) (2024)


What is the reading of chicken breast? ›

All poultry should reach a safe minimum internal temperature of 165 °F (73.9 °C) as measured with a food thermometer. A whole chicken must reach this temperature throughout the bird. Check the internal temperature in the innermost part of the thigh and wing and the thickest part of the breast.

What is the secret to moist chicken? ›

However, I find that a wet brine makes for a much moister cut of meat. To do this, dissolve 1/4 cup of salt in a cup of hot water and then dilute it with three cups of cold water. Add the chicken breasts and let sit for about an hour — but even as little as 15 minutes can help.

What brings out the flavor in chicken? ›

Use a brine

Brining your chicken is a foolproof way to not only add flavour to your roast but also to ensure you don't overcook the meat. Essentially a mix of salt, sugar and water, we love adding herbs, garlic or whole spices such as fennel and cumin to flavour the brine.

How do you keep chicken breast soft and moist? ›

Brine. Like a marinade, a brine helps chicken breast soak up as much moisture as possible before cooking. It only requires three ingredients: water, salt, and a pinch of sugar.

What makes chicken so tasty? ›

Chicken meat flavour is thermally derived and the Maillard reaction, thermal degradation of lipids, and interaction between these 2 reactions are mainly responsible for the generation of flavour and aroma compounds.

How do you describe a chicken breast? ›

Boneless skinless chicken breast is the leanest part of a chicken, with the skin and bones removed. It is a white meat that is tender and mild in taste, making it an ideal base for a wide variety of dishes. It is commonly used in salads, sandwiches, stir-fries, and grilled or baked dishes.

What does 100% chicken breast mean? ›

'100% chicken breast' means all the chicken included in that product is breast meat; i.e. there is no leg or wing meat in there.

What's the difference between boneless chicken and chicken breast? ›

As the name suggests boneless chicken is without bones but chicken breast can be with or without bones. It's very easy to debone chicken breast from the bird if you want it boneless and also it's the best part of the bird. Bones can be remove from legs and thighs to make them boneless.

Is it better to bake or pan fry chicken breast? ›

Because baked chicken breast is easy to dry out, it needs time to brine or marinade before you cook it. (See this Chicken Marinade for a recipe.) Pan frying chicken breast is a more moist cooking method because of the oil. The pan's high temperature cooks the chicken quickly, before it can dry out.

What is the best way to cook chicken breast without drying it out? ›

Her suggestion: Place boneless, skinless chicken breasts in a pan in a single layer, cover with a few inches of liquid (water, broth, etc.), add flavorings (spices, salt, herbs, soy sauce, etc.), then bring the liquid just barely to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce the heat so the liquid simmers.

What is the tastiest and healthiest way to cook chicken breast? ›

The healthiest way to cook chicken is to bake it in the oven or stir fry it with vegetables. Put the parts in a baking pan, rub some olive oil on them, and surround them with plenty of garlic, lemon, carrots, or whatever you like. Bake at 350° until brown.

How restaurant chicken is so soft? ›

Restaurants use marinades made from a combination of acidic ingredients (such as vinegar, citrus juice, or yogurt) and flavorful herbs and spices. The acid in the marinade helps to break down the proteins in the chicken, making it more tender.

What makes chicken soft when cooking? ›

Marinating your chicken in something overnight can help make it all the more juicier and tender. You can use a gluten-free, acidic marinade (like olive oil and lemon juice) or something breadier (like baking soda, egg whites, and buttermilk).

What does baking soda do to chicken? ›

Velveting is a simple process of using baking soda or a mixture of egg whites, cornstarch and oil to marinate and tenderize economical cuts of steak, chicken and other meats before cooking. Velveting meat softens fibers to reduce toughness and enhance juiciness for maximum flavor and tenderness.

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.